The soft switching is enabled by a BD131 transistor wired as a switch in emitter follower configuration. The
collector is wired to a permanent supply voltage, the 2H series inductor serves only to filter out power supply
hum. This inductor is not too important and may be omitted if the DC supply is adequately smoothed. The
control voltage is applied to the BD131 base terminal, the 10u capacitor and 10k resistor having a dual purpose:-
i) a gradual charge of the 10u capacitor ensures that the transistor will switch linearly from 0 volts to full supply, and
ii) serves as a hum filter ensuring a very smooth dc supply to the amplifier and tone controls.
LED1 will light when the amplifier is on. The control voltage should
ideally be 0 volts when the amplifier is off and full supply voltage
when on. The LM380 is shown driving two 8 ohm loudspeakers, the load is
therefore 4 ohms. The 4u7 capacitor acts as a crude crossover, lower
frequencies are impeded and so this loudspeaker may be a "tweeter" type.