Skema Rangkaian Power Amplifier 2000 Watt
is imperative that Q5 (the bias servo transistor) is mounted on the
heatsink, in excellent thermal contact. This is because, unlike most of
my other designs, this amp uses conventional Darlington output
configuration. It is necessary to use a Darlington arrangement (or a
low power Darlington transistor as shown) for Q5 to ensure that the
bias remains at a safe value with temperature. There is probably good
cause to model and test this aspect of the design very carefully,
because it is so important. The arrangement as shown will reduce
quiescent current at elevated temperatures. For example, if total Iq at
24°C is 165mA, this will fall to ~40mA at 70°C. This is probably fine,
because there is some delay between the a power 'surge' and the output
transistors transferring their heat to the bias servo via the heatsink.
circuit is completely conventional, using a long tailed pair input
stage, direct coupled to the VAS. No current mirror was used for the
LTP, as this increases open loop gain and may give rise to stability
issues. In a very high power amp, stability is paramount. The amp must
never oscillate under any normal load condition, because the heat
created can cause almost instant transistor failure.
power supply needed for an amp of this size is massive. Grown welding
machines will look at it and cry. For intermittent operation, you need
a minimum of a 1000VA transformer (or 1500VA for the 2000W version),
and it will have to be custom made because of the voltages used. If you
expect to run the amp at continuous high power, then transformers
should be 2kVA and 3000VA respectively. Filter capacitors will pose a
problem - because you need caps rated for 150V, these will be hard to
find. Because high voltage high value caps can be difficult to find, it
may be necessary to use two electros in series for each capacitor
location. This is the arrangement shown. You must include the resistors
in parallel - these equalise the voltage across each capacitor so that
they have the same voltage. Remember to verify the ripple current
rating! This can be expected to be over 10A, and under-rated capacitors
will blow up.
difficulty is the bridge rectifier. Although 35A bridges would seem to
be adequate, the peak repetitive current is so high that they may not
be up to the task. I suggest that you use two (or even three) in
parallel as shown. The bridge rectifier voltage rating should be a
minimum of 400V, and they must be mounted on a substantial heatsink.
project describes an amplifier, power supply and tests procedures that
are all inherently dangerous. Nothing described in this article should
even be considered unless you are fully experienced, know exactly what
you are doing, and are willing to take full 100% responsibility for
what you do. There are aspects of the design that may require analysis,
fault-finding and/or modification